Affirmations’ Support & Discussion Groups are free for anyone who’d like to access them virtually or at the Center. The groups are intended to provide guests connection, support, and community around a particular issue or identity. All groups are considered a safe space for the members they serve. If you are approaching the group as an ally, please reach out to for them to receive consent from the group for you to attend. We also ask that groups are NOT attended to be observed by students for studies or similar purposes.
Interested in starting a group that you don’t see here? We accept group proposals, on a rolling basis, from community members who seek to lead a new group! You can start that process by submitting our New Group Proposal Form.
***All of our Support and Discussion Groups are ages 18 & up. Please check out our youth programs page for information regarding Youth Programs.
Bisexual+ Community Support
Mondays | 7-8 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
A discussion and support group for members of the bisexual+ community, including those who self-identify as bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, queer, polysexual or any person who experiences attraction to more than one gender. All gender identities are welcome!
The group will address current events and issues affecting the Bisexual+ community by creating a space where participants can engage in enjoyable and meaningful discussions, group activities and projects, and social events.
Brown Baggers AA
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | 11:30 am – 1 pm
Saturday | 1:30 – 3 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous.
CMA – Crystal Clean
Wednesdays (hybrid; in-person at Affirmations) | 7:30 – 8:30 pm
Saturdays | 5:30 – 6:30 pm (virtual)
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale (for in-person meetings)
Google Meets (for virtual meetings)
A confidential recovery group for those recovering from the use of Crystal Meth. To join, please call (248) 398-7105 or email
Coming Out
Saturdays | 10:30 am – 12 pm
Google Meet
A confidential support group covering all aspects of coming out and the effects it may have in life. Email for the Google Meet link.
Coming Out Together
Tuesdays | 7 – 9 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Confidential support group covering all aspects of coming out and the effects it may have in life.
Disability and Discussion
Wednesdays | 7 – 8:30 pm (hybrid; in-person at Affirmations)
Google Meet / Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
A space for disabled LGBTQ+ folks to be ourselves unapologetically, without worrying about our personal challenges not being taken seriously. Share out about your week, help to support others in the community, and discuss key disability-related social issues all within an inclusive, intersectional environment.
Harm Reduction Group
Wednesdays | 6 – 7 pm (hybrid; in-person at Affirmations)
Google Meet / Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
We’ve partnered with Oakland County Health to bring folks a safe space to talk and seek support for substance use or misuse. Attendees do not have to be sober to attend, though sobriety can be one of your substance use goals.
The group is for anyone 18+, who has an interest in understanding harm reduction, practices harm reduction themselves, or simply wants support and guidance along the way.
Men’s Discussion Group
Saturdays | 5 – 7 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Discussion group for gay, bisexual, and transgender men ages 18 and up. Topics vary from lighthearted subjects to in-depth discussions. Holds holiday parties and outings in addition to regular meetings.
NA Diversity
Tuesdays (hybrid; in-person at Affirmations) | 6:30 – 8 pm
Google Meet / Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous. To join, please call (248) 398-7105 or email
NA Regardless of…
Thursdays | 11:30 am
Google Meet
Meeting of Narcotics Anonymous. To join, please call (248) 398-7105 or email
Queer Billiards Social
Thursdays | 7 – 8:30 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
An activity-based social group, meant for community building through sport. Whether you’re a pro or novice, there’s space for you to learn and practice your billiards skills with other LGBTQIA2S+ people in this group. Please email to register before attending this group.
SAA: Sex Addicts Anonymous
Mondays | 7 pm virtual
(2nd Mondays | hybrid; in-person at Affirmations)
Google Meet (for virtual meetings)
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale for 2nd Monday hybrid meetings
Senior Koffee Klatch
Wednesdays | 1 – 3 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Fridays | 1 – 2:30 pm
Royal Oak Senior Center | 3500 Marais Ave, Royal Oak
Both locations host a discussion and networking group for people 45 and older. Various discussion topics, social outings, and potlucks are held throughout the year.
Serenity AA
Mondays | 5:45 – 7 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous.
SMART Recovery
Saturdays | 10 – 11:30 am
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
For questions about SMART Recovery, please contact Liz at
Transgender and Non-Binary Discussion
Tuesdays | 5:30pm – 7:30pm (virtual)
Saturdays | 2pm (in-person at Affirmations)
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale (for in-person meetings)
Zoom (for virtual meetings)
A group for transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming individuals.
Trans Men’s/Masc Lounge
1st and 3rd Thursdays | 6 – 7:30 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Affirmations and Stand With Trans are partnering to create a safe space for our trans men and trans masc community members to find support and build community.
*formerly the Trans Male Support Group
Whole New Worlds: A Queer Fantasy Book Club
1st Wednesdays | 6:30 – 8 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
A group for queer folks to gather, read, and discuss fantasy in literature. This book club’s goal is to show queer people that they are welcome in every space and exist in every world. It can be hard to figure out where to jump in or go next, so we aim to provide structure with this group whether this is your first foray into fantasy or you’re a fantasy fanatic!
April’s Book
“In Other Lands” by Sarah Rees Brennan
Women’s Discussion Group
2nd Thursdays | 6:30 – 8 pm
Last Saturdays | 11 am – 12:30 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
A safe space and place for WOMEN: lesbian, bi, trans, etc. Socialize, vent and chat, and build community. Topics vary from lighthearted subjects to in-depth discussions: coming out stories/struggles, as well as social norms, friendships/families, the validity of bisexual women, assumptions of sexuality and being a bi/lesbian woman in the workplace – and much more.
Writing Group
1st and 3rd Thursdays | 6:45 pm
Google Meet / Discord
Please email for Google Meet/Discord information. If you do not hear back within a couple of days, please check your spam folder.
“Stitch, Please!”: Fiber Arts Group
2nd Saturdays | 4 – 5:30 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
“Stitch, Please!” – Fiber Arts Group is a drop-in style group for folks with experience in knitting, crocheting, stitching, or sewing. This inclusive space fosters creativity and connection among those who have honed their craft, providing a supportive environment to share skills, inspiration, and projects. While all skill levels are welcome, this group is currently not able to provide instruction for members completely new to fiber arts.
Crafts & Conversation: Adult Drop-in (45+)
3rd Tuesdays | 1 – 3:00 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
Join us for a fun, creative space where LGBTQ+ adults ages 45+ can enjoy art, crafts, and conversation while building community. Questions? Email
BOLD: Black Queer Support Network
2nd and 4th Thursdays | 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
BOLD (Black. Open. Loving. Defiant.) :Black LGBTQIA+ Support Network aims to provide emotional support, resource sharing, advocacy, and skill-building for adults within the Black LGBTQIA+ community. The group will follow a structured, culturally competent, and trauma-informed approach to create a brave, inclusive space for all participants.
PFLAG Detroit
1st Tuesdays | 6:00 – 7:00 pm
Affirmations | 290 W 9 Mile, Ferndale
PFLAG provides support, education, and advocacy efforts to and for LGBTQ+ people and their families in the Detroit and surrounding communities. Families, friends and loved ones of the LGBTQIA+ community are welcome.