Upcoming Vaccine Clinics
We will be hosting vaccine clinics with Oakland County on the following dates at Affirmations:
- Thursday, March 6: 4-7 PM
- Thursday, March 20: 4-7 PM
- Wednesday, April 9: 4-7 PM
- Wednesday, April 23: 4-7 PM
- Wednesday, May 7: 4-7 PM
- Wednesday, May 21: 4-7 PM
- Wednesday, June 11: 4-7 PM
- Wednesday, June 25: 4-7 PM
COVID Vaccines
Come in to Affirmations for your booster or first dose in a safe and affirming space!
Questions? Contact Justin Bettcher (he/him) at 248-629-6951 or jbettcher@goaffirmations.org.
Oakland County (Health Division)
Oakland County offers a variety of immunizations during our vaccine clinics. Vaccines include:
- COVID-19
- Mpox
- Flu
- Hep A & B
- Tdap
- Pneumonia
- Shingrix
All HIV/STI testing clinics are run on the same days as all of our vaccine clinics with Oakland County Health Division, to see clinic dates please see the box at the top of this page.
- Walk-ins Welcome
- Testing offered:
- HIV Rapid Testing
- Gonorrhea/Chlamydia/
Tricomoniasis/Mycoplasma genitalium (Urine) - Gonorrhea/Chlamydia/Mycoplama genitalium (Rectal)
- Gonorrhea/Chlamydia (Pharyngeal)
- Syphilis
- Hep C
HIV/STI Testing
- Second Thursday of every month from 5:00-7:00PM
- Last Saturday of every month from 12:00-4:00PM
Services Offered:
- HIV testing
- Other tests that are available based on client needs are;
- Gonorrhea/Chlamydia screening
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis C
- For other services & resources offered by Unified, please visit their website
To schedule HIV testing with Unified on the first Thursday or last Saturday of the month click the button below. Please be sure you select Affirmations when scheduling at one of their locations.
Clinics in partnership with Henry Ford Health & Ruth Ellis Clairmount Center.
Upcoming Dates (WALK-INS WELCOME) :
- Tuesday, March 11: 5-8 PM
- Tuesday, March 25: 5-8 PM
- Tuesday, April 8: 5-8 PM
- Tuesday, April 22: 5-8 PM
- Monday, May 5: 5-8 PM
- Tuesday, May 20: 5-8 PM
- Monday, June 2: 5-8 PM
- Tuesday, June 17: 5-8 PM
- STI Testing – Not routinely available on site, you may be requested to go to Ruth Ellis Clairmount Center (313-484-5888)
- Rapid HIV Testing
- Blood pressure checks
- Connection to LGBTQIA+ Affirming Providers
- For other services & resources offered by Henry Ford Health, please visit their website.
- For further questions about Henry Ford Health or any of their services offered you can email Dalton Bender for more information.
- 2nd Tuesdays: 4pm-7pm
- Walk-Ins are welcome, please arrive by 6:30 pm
- Last Fridays: 3pm-6pm
- Walk-Ins are welcome, please arrive by 5:30 pm
Services Offered:
- HIV testing
Other tests that are available based on client risk are:
- Gonorrhea/Chlamydia screening (rectal, urine and pharyngeal)
- Syphilis
- Hepatitis C
For other services offered by Matrix please visit their website.
To schedule HIV testing with Matrix Human Services, please call 877-931-3248 or click the button below. Please be sure to select Affirmations on their appointment form or mention Affirmations when calling.