Our Stories

Demetrike Wells

I remember walking into Affirmations for the first time in 2003, at the age of 16. It was also the very first time I had ever been in a space with so many people who were like me. A safe space! Where I could socialize, create friendships, be connected to invaluable resources, and gain the courage to truly be myself. During that time as a teenager, I was closeted at school in fear of being teased or persecuted. I was also closeted with my family in fear of rejection. Yet, Every time I walked into Affirmations for the ‘Friday Night Drop In’ it literally felt as if this heteronormative mask I was wearing was instantly lifted…Even if it was only for an hour or two. Eventually, I became brave enough to take this ‘mask’ off permanently, and start on the road to becoming the person I am today.

Over the years, Affirmations remained a source of guidance and support for me when I needed it. Including in 2018, when I walked in feeling frustrated and powerless, due to everything that was going on in politics, and the world around me. I spoke to a young man at the front desk and explained that I wanted to give back…I wanted to do SOMETHING to help the world around me become a better place. Affirmations connected me with the HRC. An organization I have since spent countless hours volunteering for.

The very definition of ‘Affirmation’ is emotional support and encouragement! And I am grateful to this organization for being just that!






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